Proper Green Home Funeral Etiquette: Honoring the Deceased and the Environment

Aug 11, 2023


Losing a loved one is never easy, but it's important to consider their wishes and honor their memory in a responsible way. With the growing concern for the environment, many people are opting for green funerals that reduce pollution and emissions. In this blog post, we'll discuss proper green home funeral etiquette and how to be considerate of both the environment and the deceased's wishes.

What is a Green Funeral?

A green funeral is an environmentally friendly option that reduces the impact on the planet. It involves using biodegradable materials such as caskets made from sustainable wood or bamboo, shrouds made from natural fibers, and non-toxic embalming fluids. The body is not cremated or embalmed with harsh chemicals, which can release harmful pollutants into the air and water.

How to Be Considerate of the Environment

When planning a green funeral, it's important to consider every aspect of the process. Here are some tips on how to be considerate of the environment:

  • Choose a green funeral home that offers eco-friendly options.
  • Use biodegradable materials such as caskets made from sustainable wood or bamboo.
  • Avoid embalming or use non-toxic embalming fluids.
  • Opt for natural burial grounds or green cemeteries that allow for natural decomposition.
  • Encourage guests to carpool or use public transportation to reduce emissions.

Proper Green Home Funeral Etiquette

Attending a green funeral requires proper etiquette just like any other funeral service. Here are some tips on how to be respectful of both the deceased and their wishes:

  • Dress appropriately in comfortable clothing that reflects your respect for the deceased.
  • Arrive on time and sign in at the guestbook.
  • Offer condolences to family members and friends.
  • Respect any religious or cultural customs observed during the service.
  • Refrain from taking photos or videos unless given permission by family members.
  • If flowers are allowed, choose locally sourced blooms that are pesticide-free.

Honoring someone's memory in a responsible way can bring comfort during a difficult time. By choosing a green funeral option, you can also make a positive impact on our planet. Remembering proper green home funeral etiquette can ensure that everyone involved feels respected and supported.

Love and Light,



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