Green Home Funeral Ceremonies: Water Cremation Services and Options for Scattering Ashes

Apr 14, 2023


As more people become aware of the impact that traditional funeral practices can have on the environment, alternative options are becoming increasingly popular. One such option is a green home funeral ceremony, which allows individuals to say goodbye to their loved ones in a way that is both meaningful and eco-friendly.

One aspect of green home funerals that has gained popularity in recent years is water cremation services. Also known as aquamation or alkaline hydrolysis, this process uses water and heat to break down the body into its basic components without producing harmful pollutants or greenhouse gas emissions. The resulting remains can then be scattered or buried in a way that aligns with your values and beliefs.

Some locations with water cremation services in the US include:

  • Aquamation Services of Western New York - located in Buffalo, NY, this facility offers environmentally friendly alternatives to traditional cremation.
  • Green Cremation Texas - based in Austin, TX, this company specializes in eco-friendly cremation services using alkaline hydrolysis.
  • Water Cremation Society of Minnesota - this facility provides water cremation services throughout Minnesota using state-of-the-art equipment that minimizes environmental impact.

In addition to water cremation services, there are many options for scattering ashes after a green home funeral ceremony. Some popular options include:

  • Scattering at sea - this option is ideal for those who had a love of the ocean or spent time sailing or boating.
  • Planting a memorial tree - many people choose to scatter ashes at the base of a young tree so that it can grow into a living memorial.
  • Creating jewelry or art - some companies specialize in creating unique pieces of jewelry or art from cremated remains.

Ultimately, the most important thing when planning a green home funeral ceremony is to find an option that feels authentic and meaningful to you. By choosing eco-friendly alternatives like water cremation services and considering unique options for scattering ashes, you can create a beautiful tribute for your loved one while also making a positive impact on the environment.

Love and Light,


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