10 Essential Things to Do After a Death

Jul 28, 2023


Losing a loved one is never easy, and it can be overwhelming to know what to do next. Here are ten essential things you should consider doing after a death:

1. Notify Family and Friends

One of the first things you should do after a death is notify family and friends. This can be done in person, by phone or email, or through social media.

2. Contact the Appropriate Authorities

If the death occurred at home or in an assisted living facility, call emergency services immediately. If the person was under hospice care, contact their hospice provider. If the death occurred at a hospital or nursing home, the staff will take care of the necessary arrangements.

3. Obtain Death Certificate(s)

You will need multiple copies of the death certificate for various legal and financial matters. You can obtain them from the funeral home or directly from your state's vital records office.

4. Arrange for Funeral Services

Funeral arrangements can include burial or cremation services, selecting a casket or urn, and arranging for transportation of the deceased's body.

5. Notify Employer and Financial Institutions

Notify your loved one's employer and financial institutions of their passing as soon as possible to prevent any potential fraud or identity theft.

6. Contact Insurance Companies

If your loved one had life insurance policies, contact their insurance companies to file claims.

7. Cancel Subscriptions and Memberships

Cancel any subscriptions or memberships that may still be active in your loved one's name to avoid unnecessary charges.

8. Secure Property and Belongings

Secure your loved one's property until their estate is settled to ensure that their belongings are not lost or stolen.

9. Settle Outstanding Debts

Settle any outstanding debts that your loved one may have had using funds from their estate if necessary.

10. Seek Support from Grief Counselors

Grieving is a natural process but it can be helpful to seek support from grief counselors who specialize in helping individuals cope with loss.


While dealing with a death can be difficult, these ten essential steps can help make things easier during this challenging time. Remember that everyone grieves differently; it’s important to take care of yourself while also taking care of practical matters related to end-of-life issues.

If you're struggling with grief following a loss, don't hesitate to reach out for help from family members, friends, support groups or professional counselors who are trained on how best to help people manage grief.

Love and Light,


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